Friday, May 1, 2009

Just Say No!!!


I have to admit. That when I started on this whole weight loss thing. I was sort of cheating. I was taking Hydroxycut. I started it about a year ago. It worked really well, or maybe it was that I was following their suggestions and not snacking and drinking more water (some 12 plus glasses a day)??? But I thought I was losing the weight because of Hydroxycut, but I guess not.

Over the past week, I have not taken Hydroxycut. I still have this same bottle and said I would only take it if the no soda/no snacking thing wasn't working. But it worked and worked well. Not one single Hydroxycut pill in the past week. And I loss a considerable amount of weight. But that was from me eating sensibly, not snacking and not drinking soda like it was water. And WHAMMO news just broke that Hydroxycut has been pulled off the market and contains basically the same stuff as "Speed". WTF????

If you have never taken this stuff before (and don't start now, as it doesn't work). This stuff has you feeling amazing. For example, they say for the first 3 days, only take 1 pill three times a day and drink at least 10 servings of water per day. Then you can bump up to the 2 pills three times a day. That first day is a mutherF***a!!! Within a few hours after taking this stuff, you will feel very dizzy, light-headed and nauseated. You spend most of your time in bed because you feel if you get will pass out. This may happen on the 2nd day as well, but after that. You are fine. YOu actually think you are losing weight, but you are not...okay...if you are following their diet tips and may be losing weight. But it isn't because of the Hydroxycut. You may feel sick to your stomach every now and then, but you are so geeked that you are losing say to yourself "It's worth it!". But it isn't!!

Is it worth Liver Failure??? It is worth dieing??? No, it isn't. As that is what is happening to people. I just thank god up above that I stopped taking that stuff and when i was, i wasn't taking it on a regular basis. I'd take one pill and skip a few days out of forgetfullness. If I had been popping that stuff like I was supposed to...who knows what would have happened to me.

I am going to lose weight the old fashion way. By hard work, exercise and a good diet.